Users Talk About Their Experience

with Nirvana Systems, The Club and ARM.​

When someone takes the time to talk about a positive experience, it speaks volumes.  Our testimonials are valuable to our future business and, just as importantly, it allows us to keep improving the level of service we provide.​

Here are a few from our happy ​clients.

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Since the start of the Nirvana Club, the input of Nirvana Club members has been actively pursued by Nirvana to enhance their products. Nirvana System as no other vendor does listen to their customers in enhancing their product.

Paul Waijers

The sincere sharing of information and support offered by the club members is an incredible value.

Don Ladyn

The ARM products have been very accurate and promising, especially compared to regular Omnitrader. I'm excited about the signals that will be in Visualtrader and the advent of ARM3. I am very pleased with the fact that you all are looking at the features of other data and software vendors, as far as gleaning the best from those products is concerned, and integrating them into OT. GREAT MOVE! I've bought every product Nirvana has offered (since 2002) and I've made some good gains and I've lost quite a bit too. Right now I'm trying to refine what I do in my trading because I have a lot of rough spots. I rely almost solely on ARM2 R4.

Kevin Knox

The past few weeks have been the best of the year, thanks to Ed, Nirvana and their gift of NSP. Today I had one account up over 5% with 50% margin. These are real dollars not “lab” dollars. Again thank you Ed and the Nirvana team.

Michael Kicks

The Nirvana Club is the best way to improve your trading, develop friendships and make money!

Reece Beane

As a scientist, I’m very skeptical of investment advisors and particularly stock scanning services that give blind buy/sell signals without any explanation of how the signals are derived. The folks at Nirvana are clearly fellow researchers, seeking to identify and use logical, reproducible, mathematical truths to achieve success by supporting the free exchange of ideas and openly sharing knowledge.

Steve Mayo

Love the Club. Tech support is awesome. ARM3 appears to work well for stocks, am anxiously awaiting a version for day trading the eMinis!

Jim Bean

Your commitment to the trading goals of the company and club are unequaled. The technical support is timely and support consultants are always willing to go the extra mile to solve problems or answer questions on product use. Nirvana's educational material is well planned and produced.

James Hill

The club is a great way to see how others trade the market.

Paul Witzgall

The Nirvana Club is a personable way to get to know what other traders are doing and share ideas. I feel like I am right in Nirvanas office and part of the team.

Todd Phillips

I have been using OT for several years and after joining Nirvana Club last year it was like turbo-charging the 65' Mustang. Not bad before, much faster now. Can't wait for next years Bash.

Larry Schnepf

I've been a Nirvana Club member since the beginning. Joining the Club has been one of the best "trading" decisions of my life. With the Club discounts, the shared help and ideas of other members, and the special attention Nirvana gives Club members, even after all this time I would join again without hesitation.

David Olson

The Nirvana Club has help me tremendously. I consider myself some what technical, but some of the members are great and have help me on technical issues along with developing some great strategies. I trade real time and use rt-arm2r3 to reinforce trades that I am in. Would not trade without it.

Brian Roberto

Thank you for the unique and excellent tools, plus a terrific company. I have looked for something like this for many years. I really appreciate the patience & caring when I call your customer support department.

Greg D.

The Club has improved my trading substantially.

Chris Sheldon

“I have been around since late 1992, the early days of “The Director”, a Metastock add-in. I marvel at the number of light years both OmniTrader and the Nirvana Club have traveled since those days. Today I am profitably trading ARM 3 strategies. I am convinced that the next few years in the Nirvana Club will bring even more amazing advances that will translate to higher profits.”

Bill Graves

With OmniTrader, I am on the right side of the trade more often than not. The trendline alerts set in VisualTrader are great for staying on top of trend changes. I have attended that last two Bashes and had a great time and met some really great people. I am really impressed with the progress and feel that Nirvana is getting close to the Ultimate Trading Machine!

William Gray

I just wanted to thank you for the hard work of the last year (especially on the new ARM3 tools). Being part of Nirvana Club has been a great experience. There are many ideas brought forward by the members that no one person could ever come up with. That alone has made the Club worth the investment, but on top of that you gave us NSP-31!Thanks again and looking forward to a profitable 2007.

Joe Lupo

I enjoy being a member of a group where you are allowed and asked to participate in its advancement as well as being informed on progress, and the Bash.

William Bivins

I joined about 3 years ago and have learned so much by using the tools available with Omnitrader Pro and by following the discussions in the Nirvana Club forums regarding what is working for people. Highly recommended.

John Locke

Ed's objective of the Ultimate Trading Machine is clearly in sight as a reachable goal. While other systems have similar analytic systems, the individual pieces are not built with the view of incorporating them into an automated trading system. Nirvana Club provides the opportunity to influence system development based on your trading methods, characteristics, and patterns. Ed ensures that any work done will be compatible with the ultimate objective. Forum discussions with active traders, helps keep me open to new ideas and trading tactics and theories.

John Sloop

I am a Charter Club Member. I have looked at many other trading systems and software packages, but there is nothing even close to what OmniTrader and ARM have to offer. I can easily build trading systems that match my style and robotically trade them. I repeat, Nobody else has anything even close to this.

Ken Anthony

Since joining the Club I have learnt a great deal about trading, especially with watching the Bash 2003 videos and subsequently purchasing the Hedge & Fulcrum training method CDs. One of the main lessons learnt is the fact that I now trade with a more mechanical approach and less emotion, which I feel is key to the long term success of any trader. I have been a Club Member for approx. 1 year now and as an owner of a small business in the UK, I am so impressed with the way you embrace your customers and provide such excellent service. The Club idea works so well for both club members and Nirvana in the development of OT & VT, and it really does feel as if we are a club and not just a customer for you to sell products to.

Anthony Wood

I have been a member for 2 years. Access to the Club forum and other Members' input has helped me become a profitable trader. I used Club exclusive tools to build a strategy and take second place in Nirvana's first fully automated trading competition - RoboCon. There are club Members doing research on a daily basis and sharing it with the community. I truly believe these Club Members are some of the most brilliant minds in the electronic trading community. The original goals Ed Downs set out to achieve are becoming a reality and I am now a part of it. This is Awesome!

Todd Phillips

Since NSP-31 started I have entered every trade. This is a remarkably accurate system, especially for Option trading, and I am up a good amount of money off these trades to date. My trade on CSCO was a 74% gainer. USP was another nice profitable trade. My BUD option is already up $500! I benefit from the Nirvana Club's forums; from programming ideas to learning how other member/traders react to market conditions. Interacting within this venue is just plain fun. I have paid for my Nirvana Club membership two times over from savings on software and NSP-31 trades. NSP-31 alone is worth whatever the membership costs. I have been trading the signals generated for a couple months and made money on every trade. Consequently, I would highly recommend the Nirvana Club to any investor or trader.

Ted mcNeill

As a novice trader, I could not have done it without the involvement in the Nirvana Club. The wealth of knowledge can easily help one achieve their goal by being part of a sort of one stop resource that can meet your needs.

Robert Birchfield

It's great to be a part of an extremely innovative team, which treats me as "part of the family".

Jim Dean

I plan to retire in several months and enter full-time trading thanks to the current and coming developments at Nirvana.

William Marsheck

I am retired and not a full-time or professional trader. However, membership in the Nirvana Club is one of the best investments I have ever made.

Roy Thompson

I have been a Nirvana Systems customer for approximately 13 years, which has been a fun, exciting, and an increasingly profitable journey. Let me explain. If you have been around the markets for any length of time, you have to be aware that no system works forever. Enter the Nirvana Club! With its artificial intelligence in the form of neural networks and genetic algorithms, new trading systems continually come on line each year. It has been fun be a part of this ever evolving journey. The exciting part is that each new Nirvana Club system seems to be more profitable than its predecessor! I mean, "We are in this business to make money, right?" This year the Nirvana Club introduced NSP-31. Its performance has been nothing short of phenomenal. This one system alone has more than repaid the price of admission in just a few short months. Still I would be remiss if I did not mention the extraordinary synergy that exists among club members. There are many trading forums on the Internet. I don't think a single one can compare to the synergy found in the Nirvana Club forum. It is simply not possible to put a price on the value of the exchange of trading ideas, development of new trading systems, and the sharing of membership knowledge, all of which one gains from club membership. If you have even the slightest interest in becoming a Nirvana Club member, I urge you to leave no stone unturned in your investigation. If you perform your due diligence properly, my guess is that you will become a member like I and so many others did. I have been a profitable, full time trader for four years now. A large part of this success I owe to Nirvana Systems.If I can help you in any way in making your decision, please feel free to call any time.

Bill Graves

If you are a serious trader or investor, it’s important to have both dynamic decision software and reliable support. Members of the Nirvana Club profit from both. Is it worth the cost of Membership? Ask any of the Members who remain active year after year - absolutely!

John Leslie

When one trades for a living, it is very easy to become relatively narrow in approach to the markets. It is my opinion that everyone must grow professionally to continue to be successful. The Nirvana Club has exposed me to new strategies and approaches as well as to a group of exceptional traders. It would be difficult to quantify the monetary benefit of the Club as I daily tweak the tools (OmniTrader and VisualTrader) and employ new ideas I have learned from the Club. The Nirvana Club remains my single best resource for trading success. The Nirvana Club provides members with a Forum to discuss trading needs, software applications, and personal trading results (Forums); an opportunity to review products in development (Beta Tests) and make suggestions/recommendations; and a vast and diverse group of other members to provide suggestions and solutions. Of course, ultimately, the Club is focused on the ultimate trading solution. Together, these resources make the subscription to the Club one of the best values I have found. I have recommended Nirvana Club to many of my personal friends who wish to go to the next level in trading success.

John Leslie

The club has provided a place for myself and my peers to communicate and has opened up a whole world of sharing and camaraderie. Because of my many years in the club my trading knowledge and success has increased exponentially and I enjoy sharing my knowledge with other members.

Jerome Sigalow

I like ARM3 very much. The software and support are exceptional.

Dudley Russell

You cannot be a serious trader without knowing about the Club. Once you know about it, you will join.

Peter Rea

I have used many different charting and trading tools since I stated back in 1998 when the big tech boom happened, I like other investors quickly learned after it was over that trading was not easy, in search of technical trading tools in helping my profit potential (I tried many) I found Ed Downs and his software, it was effective and very customisable compared to others back then and still now. At this moment in time I am blown away by what they are doing with there updated software and new tools, they just keep getting better and better. I am Nirvana Systems for life!! Thanks to all at Nirvana Systems, from the support all the way to the top.

Brandon L.

I find the Nirvana Club to be useful because of the knowledge and talent the club members have. The members who are active teach and have strengths that I don't. There have been countless times that a Club Member's post gave me an answer I was looking for. The Nirvana Club allows you to explore ideas and get input from members that are from around the world. The biggest benefit of being a Nirvana Club member has been ARM3 for me. Each release continues to show what can be done with a talented team like the Nirvana Club members and Nirvana Staff.

Michael Hicks

I’ve been in the Nirvana Club since its inception. It’s been a fun, exciting and fulfilling experience. Fun because of meeting and exchanging ideas with other Club members. Exciting because of receiving new Nirvana products at discounted prices and discovering all the new features Nirvana is developing. And fulfilling because I am using the software to make money in the markets.

David Olson

I joined several years ago because I believed in the mission. Now it is becoming reality and starting to make me money.

Chris Sheldon

This is the best trading company I have worked with – no hype, just results. I am glad that I joined.

Michael Chilton

I have only been trading for two years. The Forum has really accelerated my learning curve as there has been a wealth of ideas and approaches presented to research and experiment with. Until there is a truly automated trading platform (and in reading the recent development plan it seems that this is very likely) the Club has given me a great appreciation for developing a trading plan which is best suited to my risk tolerance.

Brent Ednie

The new platform provided by OmniTrader 2004 has taken my trading ability to a level I never thought I would experience. My confidence in the Trading Strategies I have available make for greater confidence in moving into a trade without the nagging worries I once experienced. In hindsight, I waited too long before joining. Membership to an exclusive Club is expected to confer special benefits and privileges—Nirvana Club is certainly no exception. As a Trader, this has been my best trade investment. The friendships, knowledge gained, and sense of belonging has been worth every cent. Do not make my mistake, take the step; you will not ever regret it.

Ric Richardson

The yearly bash is a useful and inspiring affair that I will likely never miss. Using things I have learned from the Club, I have made additions to my trading system and style. The Club exposes me to ideas that I would not normally see. Ed Downs’ vision is what led to my initial attraction to Nirvana. His many accomplishments in personnel selection, software design direction, and innovative ideas continue to impress me. I believe the long-term Nirvana goals will be achieved. Many benefits fall to customers who purchase Nirvana software, but Club members gain a great deal more by getting to know the staff and being exposed to the design process and the yearly "Bash". Club members also receive special software (ARM2) with upgrades and are in a position to more easily contribute ideas while benefiting from the ideas of other members.

Gerald Wakeen

I first purchased software from Nirvana in 2003 and I have been extremely impressed with the commitment and help shown to me by the Nirvana staff. The OmniTrader software package does a very thorough job of analyzing the stock market. But, it takes a lot more than just good software to make it in the stock market. It takes a personal drive to understand and evaluate the many factors involved with the personality of the market. The information conveyed by Nirvana and the Club members is outstanding. I have been a member of the Nirvana Club, since I first purchased the OmniTrader Software. The club is unique element supporting the entire experience. I have learned so much just interacting with other club members on the forum. I have also developed acquaintenances with other like minded traders. The ability to interact with other traders and to discuss ideas and other developments is one of the most important elements of the Nirvana package. I have attended a series of seminars and the yearly "Bash", where other traders gather and sit through two concentrated days of educational learning experience. The stock market is like any other professional experience where it is important to maintain a continuing education. In my opinion, the OmniTrader software is the most powerful software on the market today. The charting, indicators and developed systems are not only powerful but they are "open ended" allowing each trader to adjust and/or modify the system to obtain a profitable conclusion. The help coming from Nirvana has been outstanding. Last but not least, Nirvana developed a proprietary system known as “NSP-31.” My trades in the last month have shown a healthy 5.7% growth, which if considered annually would be in excess of 70%. Probably the most important development has been the ability to test and evaluate past time periods to see how a slight change can modify the end results. This software is so powerful and it's all contained on my personal computer. I don't have to depend upon a trading service or broker to suggest a trade without my capability to test it and to make my own decisions. This software has given me the power to do just that. Plus, with Nirvana and members supporting me, I can feel a degree of comfort in my decisions.

Robert E. Volger

I have used Omni Trader since the Spring of 1996 and I am an original lifetime Club member. OmniTrader has been instrumental in providing the framework for a portfolio management approach that I use in my portfolio management profession. Nirvana’s dedication to continually improving OmniTrader and its usefulness in my business has made my lifetime Nirvana Club membership investment the best investment that I ever made!

Ron Miller

It has been a pleasant and productive experience being a member of the Nirvana Club and I would encourage any one serious about trading and using the software to join and become a member. Nirvana Systems and ARM3 are exceptionally well designed to serve my needs as a trader.

Al Abdulla

Without OT and the Club I wouldn't have the success I've had. I'm now a disciplined trader and a more consistent earner with both OmniTrader and VisualTrader

Jerry Sigalow

Belonging to the Nirvana Club has been a most rewarding experience. I try to attend the Bash every year. I have made many friends in the club. We always try to help each other every year. While I learn a great deal from the intensely educational aspect of the Nirvana's lecture presentations, I always learn a lot from the Club members who sit beside me at the lectures. The Club experience gets better every year I have remained a member. I highly recommend joining. A member's buy in cost is always returned much sooner that one would ever expect.

Tom Watkins

The Nirvana Club has helped me to become a much better trader. Last month I improved my portfolio by $3,000, up by 12%. If I can't trade with ARM2, I won't trade!

Keith Wilkison

Dear Ed, I am very happy with the results I have been getting from the NSP-31 NN strategy. My portfolio which contained the NSP-31 trades has been my most successful to date. Out of seven trades, six have made money, netting 3% or more per trade. I am looking forward to expanding my NSP-31 trading into some other portfolios. Thanks, Nirvana, for providing me with the tools I need to be a happy and successful trader. Not only is the Nirvana software useful in making money, but it is a lot of fun too!

Bud Wilkes